Veneers are an excellent solution for discoloured and damaged teeth. However, like all cosmetic dental treatments, they themselves are subject to discolouration. There are many reasons as to why veneers turn black, as you’ll discover in this article.
At Toorak Dental Studio, our porcelain veneers Melbourne service is second to none. Our team of expert dentists will give you the best veneers experience possible and will alleviate any questions you have on the treatment.
This guide also aims to answer your veneer-related queries. Read on to discover why veneers change colour and how to mitigate this.
Possible reasons why veneers turn black
Below is a list of reasons why your veneers might darken or display signs of discolouration over the course of your treatment.
Poor bonding or fitting
The bonding material used to attach your veneers is important. If it’s of poor quality or applied ineffectively, it may be affected by external oral conditions and start to turn black. This is especially relevant if the bonding material is coming out the sides of the veneers, as it will suffer from a bacteria build-up and darken as a result.
Cheap or substandard material
Similarly, if the actual veneer material is poorly fabricated or too cheap, it will be more easily weathered by external conditions. Certain food and drinks are more likely to discolour cheap material, leading to a darkening of the veneers.
Gum recession
If your gums are prone to receding, you may find that the edges of your veneers start to turn black. This is because as your gums recede, it creates a tiny gap in between the veneer and your gum. This space can be hard to reach when brushing your teeth, leading to a build-up of bacteria which causes tooth decay and, ultimately, discolouration.
Enamel erosion
Erosion and damage to your enamel will cause the layer of dentin underneath to become exposed. When this happens, you’ll start to see a discolouration of your teeth. This is because dentin has a naturally darker tone to it than enamel, but you should never have to expose it if you take proper care of your teeth.
Damaged veneer glaze
The glazing of your veneer acts not only as an aesthetic enhancement, but as a protector from damage and general weathering. If your veneer glaze is damaged, your veneers and real teeth won’t be as well protected and will become more susceptible to discolouration and darkening.
Inexperienced dentists
Poor quality dentistry leads to ineffective treatment. Inexperienced dentists and orthodontists are more liable to performing inadequate procedures. If they fail to apply your veneers appropriately, you may find that your new teeth coverings start to turn black relatively quickly. If this happens, contact your dentist or choose a different one to visit.
What can you do to fix discoloured veneers?
Discoloured veneers aren’t the end of the world. It can be a hassle dealing with the issue, but there are several solutions to the problem. Below, you’ll find a number of things you can do to bring back the pearly whiteness of your smile.
Dental bonding
Reapplying the bonding material that holds your veneers to your teeth can be enough to solve your discolouration problems. This is a simple and effective treatment, but only works for aesthetic issues.
For instance, dental bonding may be the right course of action for you if your veneer discolouration is caused by cheap or poorly applied bonding material. If your blackness issues originate from tooth decay or facial trauma, dental bonding may not be the right solution.
Get new veneers
For many people, veneers need to be replaced from time to time. It’s not uncommon to replace your veneers, particularly if they’re aged or damaged. If you’re wondering how long do veneers last on teeth, it depends on the material, but porcelain ones will need replacing around every 15 years.
Discolouration can be resolved by simply getting new veneers put in. It’s an effective solution, but it can be a little more expensive than you’d like. Replacing your veneers early is a sign of poor dental hygiene and a lack of care regarding your teeth. As such, make sure you take good care of your teeth so your veneers don’t become discoloured or need replacing.
Whitening the real teeth
Many people choose to whiten their real teeth before the veneers are applied, simply because porcelain veneers are so white they need to match the surrounding teeth. Some discolouration issues stem not from the veneers themselves, but from the real teeth.
If you notice inconsistent colouring between your veneers and your actual teeth, it may be because your veneers are actually whiter than the teeth underneath, perhaps due to poor oral hygiene. If this is the case, teeth whitening is the solution for you.
Polishing or reglazing the veneer
If it’s the glaze of your veneer that’s damaged or discoloured, the best solution is to polish or apply new glazing to your veneers. This will re-whiten your veneers and return them to their former shining glory. Always consult your dentist before booking a reglazing appointment, as there might be a different best course of action required.
How can you avoid black veneers?
With proper oral care, you can ensure you never have to worry about your veneers turning black. For ways to help prevent black veneers, check out our useful tips below.
Check reviews when choosing a dentist
As with all professions, dentists can vary in competence and ability. Choosing a good dentist is incredibly important since cosmetic treatments are expensive and your teeth are a vital part of your everyday life. You should always check the reviews of a dentist before you commit to getting veneers, as dental incompetence can set you back both financially and physically.
Avoid smoking
Smoking is the archenemy of dentists. Any health professional will actively encourage you to avoid smoking as much as possible, due to its harmful nature. Smoking can cause discolouration and decay of natural teeth and veneers, not to mention the highly damaging effects it has on your body.
In fact, the most common cause of discoloured and black veneers is smoking. If you’re a smoker, consider making adjustments to your lifestyle before you get veneers, as you may experience many complications that are otherwise preventable.
Steer clear of excessive alcohol consumption
Alcohol is a damaging product not just for your teeth, but for your body as well. You can still drink with veneers in, but excessive alcohol consumption can stain your veneers and cause them to darken. Avoid coloured alcohols like red wine and alcopops, and steer clear of binge drinking.
Do not use harsh products
Cleaning your teeth is essential, but using the wrong products can be severely detrimental to your veneers. Use clear, non-alcoholic mouthwash and non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damaging your veneers. Combine these with a soft-bristled brush and you’re good to go. Never whiten your veneers using teeth whitening products.
Follow a proper oral hygiene routine
Having a comprehensive oral hygiene routine can prevent your veneers from turning black. Not only this, you’ll benefit from a healthy mouth which can stop other dental complications from developing. Maintaining a thorough routine around your oral hygiene will keep your teeth and veneers happy and healthy.
Visit your dentist every 4 months
In most cases, your veneers won’t need replacing or adjusting for years after your treatment. Nevertheless, it’s still a good idea to schedule regular appointments with your dentist every 4 months or so. This way, you can stay up to date with your oral hygiene and ensure your teeth remain looking their best.
Consume a healthy diet
Eating a healthy balanced diet is another great way to minimise your risk of discoloured veneers. Sugar, for one, should be avoided as much as possible, but a little sugar is OK. Avoid artificially coloured drinks and overly sugary foods to ensure you give your veneers the best chance of staying white. Harmful colours in foods can taint your veneers and cause them to darken or become yellow.
What is a leaky veneer?
It sounds quite gross, doesn’t it? No one wants a leaky veneer, but it can be fixed relatively easily. A leaky veneer is usually caused by inexperienced or incompetent dentists, and happens when poor bonding leads to saliva and food getting in between the veneer and the tooth. This can subsequently cause leakage from the veneer.
If you notice this happening, contact your dentist immediately. If left unresolved, a leaky veneer can cause tooth decay and weaken the dental bonds, as well as a number of other oral health problems.
Is tooth decay under veneers possible?
Veneers are to teeth what a façade is to a building. Their primary function is aesthetic, and they do not provide protection from tooth decay. Pre-existing dental issues, root problems, and poor oral hygiene can all still contribute to tooth decay even with veneers. As such, it’s important to maintain a thorough dental cleaning routine.