Private Health Insurance

Dental Health Insurance in Australia

People requiring dental treatment in Australia can turn to their private health insurance plan to cover some of the costs. Private health insurance policies are not a “one-size-fits-all” model, and varying levels of coverage are available, depending on your chosen policy. Usually, preventative dental treatments like oral exams, scaling and cleaning, and minor fillings are covered. For more complex work, you may need to take out an extras policy.

What is HICAPS?

HICAPS stands for Health Industry Claims and Payments Service.

It is an electronic healthcare claims system that enables patients to make on-the-spot claims for certain dental treatments.


HICAPS allows you to claim on-the-spot

For Some Treatments

Provide Your Health Insurance Card

Following your treatment, our receptionist will ask if you have private health cover. Once you provide your card, we’ll swipe it through the HICAPS electronic claiming terminal.

Automatic Contribution Processing

Complete the simple, one-page direct debit form. There’s no need for credit checks and you won’t have to provide detailed financial information.

Pay “Gap Payment” If there Is One

In some instances, some portion of the fees may be outstanding and will have to be paid by you. This is referred to as a “gap payment’.


Private Health Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

Ask us a Question

We are happy to answer any dental health insurance-related questions.

    707 Malvern Rd

    Toorak, VIC 3142

    Call 03 9804 7710

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